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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pic and Problem of the Day

My Assessment Dollars at Work? Yeah Right!
Allamanda Pool Deck 11.12.13; Broken Walkway lowerleft.
The lights on the pool deck for the Allamandas have been out for weeks. Not sure if pumps and heaters are work..
ing this week or not. My neighbors often complain and are fed up with this nonsense; most will never say it above a whisper.  They have lost hope. This is the holiday season yet we can not enjoy it as such.

Proposed Reasonable Solution: 
Eliminate any proposed pool deck improvements such as pavers.  This is costly and a luxury.  Eliminating this can lessen the amount of assessment, permit fees, due etc. The focus should be on repairing and maintaining what we have. (For example repair the lighting, fencing and existing walkways which are in a state of disrepair.)  Some work will be required but it does not have to be extravagant. Planning and budgeting should be key.   Doing the job right, the first time should be the goal.  A committee will be required. 

Update:  As of 28 December 2013--Allamanda pool deck and pool has no lighting.  Pool heater is not working.   Management is away on holiday schedule.  

Got a pic and/or a problem you want to share...please send it to: jadewindsaction@gmail.com


  1. Pretty shameful. How dare they shut down the office year after year for days through out the holidays. The magnitude size of this complex and the fact that theirs is no body responsible while their absent its not only negligent but irresponsibly. It should be required that the office keep normal business ours through out the week and limited hours on Saturdays. It should be required to have a member of the office staff in at least a couple of hours through out the Holiday . Perhaps what should be mandatory that the office staff and management resides in the Jade Winds community. I am sure their are plenty of people qualified for the job. Of course these are the same people who made the security stop the children playing on the grass Getting back to the pool issue I think your recommendation is a great idea with a lot of common sense. I am board.

  2. I really hope we are not paying them for hours they are not working! We really need to get a check on that, i wonder if they pay for parking, everyone elce has to even if they are just working here. It is shamefull, i suggest everyone when around office staff video tape their dealings, seems the office feels threatened by everyonr and all the residents curse and spit at them, makes u wonder why they work(or not work) here, they certinally have no answeres for anyones questions, i wish i could get away with that, im going to apply for a job at first service,we also provided office staff with uniforms why dont they wear them?

  3. Hello. Thanks for posting. I have taken a few days off to try to enjoy the holidays but unfortunately that wasn't possible. I have lots to write about.

    One of those things includes talking about parking. More specifically how some workers are allowed to enter the property at anytime of the day or evening and park their cars without any problems/passes. (I have proof!) Also on the list is how unreasonable the parking fees and enforcement of those fees are with respect to unit owners who may have family visiting, a change of vehicle, etc. Its ridiculous. Each day I went to the office somebody was there either paying or trying to get money back for a vehicle. Its excessive and unreasonable.

    Another topic is the absent management. How many days and hours off are they going to take? Who allows this and how are these times off agreed too? It excessive and unreasonable. And as far as answers, you can never get a straight answer because this management does what it wants. The front staff are nice but not very helpful.

    I cant believe the office was closed but a box was left outside to collect (take) our money. Taxation without representation? Sure feels like it.
    This place is like the wild wild west (better yet the wild wild winds) ruthless folks taking money, breaking the rules, and running wild without restrain.

    Lastly, I am waiting on two records request that were submitted to management (one request is fairly simple, they other not so much). We have a right by law to inspect our condo records. Management has the obligation to provide these records. More to follow on this.

    Happy New Years.

  4. Hello, let me start off by saying that I have no confidence or trust in the management. Let's making serious changes at the upcoming elections!

    With respect to the pools, the Allamanda unit owners have been paying a pricy special assessment (in addition to the 40 year certification re-assessment) to have the pool and pool deck re-done. I'm sure this is true for the other buildings as well. Since money was specifically paid for the pool and pool deck, they must be repaired. Sadly, no work on the pool has been done. Repairing the pools with the nice pavers will also increase the value of all of our properties.

    Special Assessment funding is intended to be for only for what the funding was allocated for. A special assessment is not funding to be used to pay for day to day maintenance, nor shall it be be allowed to be misused by management.

    If we are facing a situation where there is suddenly no money to do the repairs that we paid for in the special assessment, we need to ask ourselves what is the board and management doing with our money?

    1. Hello.
      I have lost confidence with the management as well. As I write this the office is once again closed early. Where is the accountability? There is none.

      I agree with you about having to use the special assessments for what they were collected for. What I propose is that we hold onto the money before spending to ensure it will be used the best and smartest way. Look what has happened at the Bamboo pool. From what I understand, that work was done without permits, and was issued a stop work order by the county. This is costly and unnecessary and most importantly unsafe. If that is true, poor work like that will not bring up property values but instead scare away potential buyers and cost us the unit owners extra costs (money, money, money) and misuse of out funds. This is getting really bad folks.

      Finally and most importantly, you are 100% correct--we need to make serious changes here. Get involved, stay informed. Find the best people for the job and support them in doing that job. I volunteer to be on any committee that is helping Jade Winds achieve its much need change and new direction. Thanks for posting.

  5. The office hours are until 2pm... if i ever leave my job at 2 i would get fired. who regulates the office hours and all the parking fee increases?


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