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Friday, October 24, 2014

News Flash--NO More Donna Mantin! Community Celebrates

Finally, some on the Board of Directors have taken appropriate action.   The dark storm clouds of fear and abuse over Jade Winds have begun to dissipate. 

I hope, pray, but most importantly, WORK for better days ahead.

Donna Mantin is no longer the community association manager of the Jade Winds. I doubt she will ever be a licensed CAM ever again. 

Santiago Perez is no longer president of the Board.   I doubt he will remain a Director much longer. 

Time will tell all.  Revelations reveal the truth

There is an Emergency Board meeting at the Jade Winds Office, Saturday, 25 October 2014 at 6pm.

I urged all unit owners and concerned residents to attend.

Please be patient with the process.  An open Board meeting is something that we may not be accustomed to but it is something we will perfect over time, one way or another. 

I look forward to seeing you all there, except for a select few who I now and forever consider personas non grata.  Good bye and good riddance to you. I hope the exit gate hits you on the way out.  

The Drama Continues...

The drama continues but the end appears near.    Our efforts are indeed paying off.   This administration is desperate and the Association is in shambles. 

However, now is not the time for unit owner complacency. This is the time when ALL unit owners must unite. 

We each have to step up and do our part no matter how big or small.   We all have something to offer so please make yourself known. 
Know and assert your rights.    

We MUST and we WILL take back community control. 

24 October 2014. Outside Jade Winds management office.
L to R: Donna Mantin, CAM34445 (delinquent license); Jesse Bergeman, Board Treasurer; and MDPD. 

Donna Mantin was leaving the office with Association correspondence.   Vigilant unit owners called the police and put a stop to that and the mail was rightfully returned to the office.

Donna Mantin was free to go and left the property willingly, this time.   I hope she never returns.

Case# PD141024388009.  Call MDPD at 305.940.9980 in about 1 week to see if the report is ready. I have no idea what it will say, I was not present.   More to follow soon.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jade Winds is Broken and The Board Refuses to Fix it!

Frustrated Unit Owners and Residents can not get adequate services from the Office. 

Elevators in a constant state of disrepair is unacceptable.