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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

NBC 6 News Video: Residents, Management Clash Over Parking Fees at Jade Winds in North Miami Beach

Residents, Management Clash Over Parking Fees at Jade Winds in North Miami Beach (NBC 6 News Video)

Thank you to those involved in exposing the abuse that is occurring at the Jade Winds..we need more work just like this. 


  1. Bravo, welcome back!!!!!!

    1. Thank you. Anything special you would like me to write about? I am open to suggestions.

  2. F.S. Chapter 718 Section 110

    13) An amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units or altering the duration of the rental term or specifying or limiting the number of times unit owner are entitled to rent their units during a specified period applies only to unit owners who consent to the amendment and unit owners who acquire title to their units after the effective date of that amendment.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean with this post. Can you please explain with more details please. thanks for posting.

  3. Thank you for fighting the good fight. Your efforts are most appreciated by many!

    1. You are very welcome. Just to be clear here with this post... I had nothing to do with having the media cover the fiasco we find here but I am thankful to those who did contact the media in attempts to bring some light and much needed attention to the Jade Winds. Good job to all those involved.

  4. I just did a search of the miami dade tax collector, i put in jadewinds 36 properties came up so far as owned by the association, which would be all of us paying their debit and taxes, i volenteer my apt and time to get together with others intrested in going futher to see whats going on here, you can put any ones name in the search, try the board of directors names to see what they own and how much they payed, i noticed jadewinds coowned a few with toyne and mayo the association attorneys, to be honest i dont have a full understanding, but i see 36 so far owned by jadewinds, thats good enough for me to want to educate myself on whats going on and why the association is sitting on theses propertys or buying them up on our monies, please lets get on this

  5. Thanks for posting. The JWA does own a many units here, I am not sure how many but it is a large enough number to atleast consider it a bit more than normal. Atleast one unit, that I know of, is rented to an ASI maintenance person. I am not sure if the unit is leased properly or not (via the approval process, escrow deposit, etc.) but I KNOW he is living here in my building.

    Please continue to research and educate yourself and share with others. It is people like you that we need to be on the board and/or committees that we will hopefully have soon with these upcoming elections.

    Those attorney you mentioned have billed this association lots of money to process those foreclosures. I don't know why the association picked up all those unit and failed to rent them. We (the unit owners) must now bear the cost of keeping those units, etc.

  6. As indicated by someone in a comment above our bylaws allow us to rent after ownership of sever years. To change a bylaw requires a vote by the entire membership and even then the FS indicates the term of rental can not be changed. Why is the association not allowing me to rent my empty unit? Do they think a rule made by the board can over ride our bylaws? Renting immediately to investors is a violation of our bylaws too yet it seems many investor units are rented, I am not an investor and have owned and lived in Jade Winds for Many Years. Anyone have any insight into this matter? This is creating a tremendous hardship on my family as I can not sell my unit because of all the construction and now they are saying I can not rent it until my name comes up on some kind of list. Any insight or advise will be helpful.

  7. Lived here over 14 years and I am very unhappy with this association. How this association has gone down the hill. They Charge a high maintenance fee and barely do anything to justify it. they take extensive lunches and do not pick up the phones half of the time. What do we really pay maintenance for. gym and billiards never stay open for more than a week at a time. (Now will never open) They close the office for every holiday possible! Hanukkah, Quanza, Chinese New year etc. When they want time off they just say office will be closed due to AC not working. Well this was before... now they do not even put an excuse... Plus they never return any emails or phone calls...

    There are also too many dogs and not enough bags to pick up the waste. Or just lazy people who do not clean after their dogs or wash them! I am a huge dog lover myself but i clean up EVERYTHING my dog does. Here you have people walking the dog(s). yes people have 3 or 4 dogs per apartment. I do not know how that is possible.

    Board members hold meetings with out letting any resident participate in them. Come on what is this the gestapo? I think residents should know what is going on and what is going on in the community.

    President of the board is a business man who does not even live in Jade Winds himself. Instead he buys and rents/ sells units before they become public knowledge and alters the renting policy to his benefit. Once they are all occupied he does not let anyone else rent their units. The meetings are very controlling and you can not bring up any issue. By the way isn't the unit where the son killed his mother owned by him?! Great background check on that one!

    Charging people 3 dollars to park? Where does the money go to anyways? No receipt or any records of this. Half of the people do not have the passes and still do not get towed away. People park wherever they want. Why did they take out decals? so the friends of board members can have more than one spot and security does not do anything about! Why did they take off the decals of all of the vehicles? So the board an office can benefit and sell spaces as they wish.

    3 security officers at night and cars are getting broken into and people rubbed at gun point? Saw one of them sleeping the other day.

    If I had a chance to go back I would have NEVER purchased a unit here and if the market was not horrible i would move tomorrow. Paying an assessment and still nothing is being done with the building? Camilia 2 is half done and small buildings are falling apart and have cracks already! Very POOR Planning on the side of the board. Where is the money going? Where is our assessment?

    Daisy elevators never work. I met the repair individual and he said that the office is very cheap and does not fix anything but puts band aids on the issues. What else is new?

    BUYER BEWARE! You may seem like you are getting a good deal but you are not. Do not buy here!

    1. This community has great potential with the right management and board! Owners need to start doing their part and going on board and voting for the right people. Please do not judge all the board members as they are/were not always informed of changes and/or allowed in the office. Additionally the manager always makes herself unavailable and does not return emails or phone calls to certain board members. I believe the executive board is at fault as they have or should have more powers/information/responsibility and are able see more than regular directors what is going on in the office.

  8. Parking is no longer 3 dollars, i just found out being my car was in the shop, its not posted for people to see but its on the pass

    Lets say u come on the property at 3pm u pay 3 dollars, than at midnight u have to pay 500 overnight, than at 700am u have to pay 300 dollars again, my math says that 1100 in less than a 24 hour period, but the guard informed me i can just give him the 11 dollars and not worry about comming down. That was very nice of him. I brought back the loner car i wouldent give 11 dollars to park in my own spot, i suggest u all inquire about the midnight and 7am fee, they dont tell u its your responsibilty to read the fine print

  9. Wow this is worse than living on the beach! I paid less in a hotel a week ago! When was all the parking fees passed? And where do the fees go? Who is getting paid there? Gate has not been working properly forever and it sure does not go into maintaining property of fixing the elevators. Useless potential does not mean anything!

  10. The letter sent out boasting of no increase in maintenance. Consider the Special Assessment charged without the work completed, the parking fees without work being completed. Perhaps no increase on the front end but watch the rear!

  11. What is the current situation of Jade Winds? I would like to buy a property there but I'm scared. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  12. Is the management changed for the better?
    What is the special assessments covering that we have to pay for five years?

  13. Horrible!!! Condominium association stay away from this place the management are a bunch of thieves becareful with Carol Collins and Jilian Linares since May 2017 I moved out and I have been requesting my security deposit check now almost September 2017 still haven't received my money back. Awful service and disgusting practices!!!!


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