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Friday, January 17, 2014

JWA Rules and Regulations: FINES definition

In one of my earlier posts, I Got Fined...Now What? I posted a copy of the JWARR definition of Fines, section E.  revised July 27, 2012. 
JWARR adopted July 2012

However, I have recently learned that those Rules and Regulations have since been revised, amended, and even had some portions omitted (specifically Section 6, which covers things like Board of Directors, Notices, Meetings, Inspection of Records, and complaint methods. Nothing too important, right?!)  

Below, I am posting the revised page covering FINES according to the most recently issued set of JWA Rules and Regulations, no revision date listed. Please note the obvious differences in what was initially adopted by the Board and what is being presently published and enforced today (or not).  

I am not sure how it went from that to this so easily and poorly. What was the purpose and intent of those changes?  How can we allow such a small number of persons make such drastic and potentially detrimental changes.

These are the same rules and regulations that increased the somewhat reasonable parking fees to unreasonable rates and surely were NOT "in line" with FS718.303, etc. Can you see the pattern and reasonable cause for concern with this?   It must change now.    

Perhaps another matter to discuss further at the next Board meeting whenever that will be.  A committee can be created to help fix this. I volunteer for that.   

Request a copy of the latest Rules and Regulations and compare the previous July 2012 copy to this most recently issued one. 

Maybe the next revision of the JWARR will include the meaning of the word FIDUCIARY.  
JWA Rules and Regulations issued by office January 2014, date and method of revision unknown. 


  1. Hello,

    I've been doing a lot of research in how we can put an end to the shady activities going on at Jade Winds. Could we please file reports with the Florida Attorney General, the Florida Division of Consumer Services, and the Florida Fraud Hotline. I have included the information below. I would file the complaints myself except I unfortunately do not have a good enough knowledge of what is going on (ie. I missed seeing the peaceful front gate protests). I am becoming more informed though.
    1) Florida Attorney General - http://myfloridalegal.com/contact.nsf/contact?Open&Section=Citizen_Services
    2) Florida Division of Consumer Services - https://csapp.800helpfla.com/CSPublicApp/Complaints/FileComplaint.aspx
    3) Fraud Hotline 1-866-966-7226


  2. Hello . I am glad to hear that you are researching your rights and a way to stop this madness. While I am sure your intentions are in the right place you will probably be better served by learning and studying the Florida laws that govern CONDOS and it's operations. For example, FS 718 , The BY-Laws, and Condo Declarations. It is kind of boring to read but it is worth doing so.

    Here is another great reading website link as well:
    copy and paste into your browser--


    You may be surprised how much general condo legal knowledge you can learn from this.

    The more I read it along with the Declarations of Condo, By-laws, and Rules and Regulations the more aware I become of how poorly we have been managed for years. Things like this should be mandatory reading for all involved with condo operations. Perhaps, I will suggest it at out next board meeting--whenever that will be.

    Now I don't want to deter your from exercising your rights to an investigations, etc. but I strongly believe that the AG, and state agency will do very little for us at this point. We have to help and save ourselves by getting educated and getting involved by joining the board or a committee. Talk to your neighbors and share what you know and want.
    Thanks for reading and posting.

  3. Thank you for this very informative information.
    Just wondering, does anyone know why FirstService Residential does not put any Jade Winds documents on their website (ex. meeting minutes)? If they would post stuff as they are supposed to do as a property manager, there would be at least a little accountability!

    1. Thank you. I agree 100%. The more I look and learn about what is going on here, the more I realize that it falls back onto the poor management of the property. The office is supposed to maintain the records for all unit owners to inspect. I think the easiest and most efficient way would be to scan and upload as we go and then all will be able to easily obtain requested information etc but the office has failed with that.

  4. Chanel 95, 96, 97, on our tvs are deciated to jadewinds, all it takes is a keyboard and someone to type in the goings on, such as board meetings, parking fees, office hours, minutes agendas, it also can moniter the front gate activitys to ensure our saftey with guests, we get non of that, purely another tactic of managment to keep us uninformed!
    When you sit on the board of directors there is a class you must attend to educate yourself! i wonder.how many directors from jadewinds have attended this class? I also would like to see the agenda posted for the budget meeting, were already into the new year, i also wonder if there is a board of directors, meetings would show a roll call and a listing of the board members, last posted was in september, thats a long time of no business being counducted in such a large property, with so many issues going on!!! Please feel free to correct and inform me if i am wrong on any of theses subjects!!! The managment never returns call! Thanks

    1. thanks for posting. I had recently inquired about having a some sort of cable access to the security cameras but I never got a response from the office or board. Thanks for sharing that info.
      yes the board is supposed to get certified or some kind of class when they get appointed, not sure if it happened or not. it appears not.
      Yes it has been a long time since we had a board meeting. what gives, right? I think we need a town hall meeting or simply our Annual Meeting as an association, if it takes all day and night for everyone to be heard--so be it.
      keep reading and posting. pardon the sloppy grammar and short reply. time is short today. .


Thank you for posting. Please visit and share often.