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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Upcoming Elections: Board and Committee Volunteers Needed

I am going to keep it short and simple.  

Everyone who owns a unit and is eligible to vote must do so come election time.  

I suggest that we all commun..
icate with our neighbors in our respective buildings and attempt to find eligible candidates for the job of board member/director.  

Another suggestion is to get informed about how condos are supposed to operate.  Learn the  laws and rules that govern condos and even the crazy JWA Rules and Regulations that we have--yes the same rules that from time to time, totally disregard state law specifically FS718.303 (3)(b), for example.  

Let's be prepared and willing to serve on the board and/or the soon to be committees which support the board and make the decisions and changes that we want and deserve here at the Jade Winds.  

Let's ensure that we have timely elections with proper procedure and transparency. If we prepare early and communicate often we may have a chance at success. 

The positive future of the Jade Winds depends solely on us and our efforts starting today.   

Take the pledge to volunteer to help the Jade Winds.  If you agree and are willing to work on improving the situation here at the Jade Winds type YES in the comments below.  

If you want to start a volunteer list, a to-do list, or information list for your building even better. Point out the problems but also offer solutions. Let's see who gonna step up to the challenge.  Is it you?  

Type YES below and get smart, get organized, and get active. 

Oh and one last thing.  If you didn't know--  Superman is dead. There is no else to save you.  Only you can save yourself now.  Together we can make it much easier. 


  1. YES. I pledge to volunteer positive action in helping Jade Winds have a successful election and board.

  2. If you want change, we need more YESs in here.


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