In a blog posted today titled, ANNUAL MEETINGS? A REQUIREMENT BY STATUTES! Jan Bergemann, founder of writes the following:
APATHY is the worst enemy of creating a nice owner-friendly community.
A little piece of advice to all the owners who say that “they don’t want to get involved”: You are involved since the moment you bought into the community – for better or for worse. Your lack of involvement allows other members to create sometimes dictatorial rules. “Dictators” can only rule if the majority of owners is silent and “doesn’t want to get involved.” Recalls and elections are a great tool to get rid of “dictators.”
Not getting involved can cost you lots of money. Make sure you go to the meetings and have your voice – and vote – heard – or stop complaining and just write the checks when the “dictators” are wasting more of your money!
He is correct.
One reader of this blog wrote the following comment yesterday:
At the end of the day it all comes down to the board of directors, we all know ours is useless, and anyone new comes in with high energy and new ideas, i have listened to sandra fox make this speech for the last 14 years!!!! Its the board members who sit year after year who block any progress or ideas, they dont want to do anything,
First service says managment takes direction from the board, well managment is very happy not to have direction.So here is a idea, we have to clean house, get all new boardmembers, no more they run unopposed and just keep their seats!!!We the people who care have to run for the board,its ok if u dont have all that much time, the board puts in no time at all now!! As u can see its pretty much all spelled out for us which the moderator of this blog puts up for us on a daily basis, its time people step up, its pretty simple, dont bring any personial vendettas to being on the board, phones get answered, complaints get filed and followed up, condo business should be a opened book, agendas, minutes, announcmentd, construction, sales of apts, rental of apts, if you dont like it change it, i can gaurentee the residentd will appreaciate the help, and respect the fact of change is good, if not for anything elce we xan have the office opened and the phones answered!!! Please please run for the board for change, there are 16 or 18 members of the board, if every member stepped up for 1 month you really have the year covered, its really simple u get a agenda learn whats on it, attend the meetings ( phonr and video chat is now considered attending a meeting) take a vote and its as easy as that, but first there has to be a meeting!!!being a board member should be rewarding when u are there to listen and help!!! Take pride in your homes! WE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT, WE HAVE TO CLEAN HOUSE!!!!!
This person is correct.
Bottom line is:
APATHY is INDEED the worst enemy of creating a nice owner-friendly community.
Don't be your own worst enemy and then want to point fingers at someone else when things go wrong. Get up and get involved somehow and someway--there is much work to do.